Raising the Bar for Tuning
Accuracy Within a
Fraction of a Cent

PianoSens: A True Breakthrough in Piano Tuning: Raising The Bar For Tuning Accuracy
tune In Noisy Environments
Makes All ETD Apps work better
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PianoSens is a new electronic sensor which directly isolates and measures the vibration characteristics of a single string or a combined unison set. With this new technology, we are able to dispel long held myths about tuning and piano string behavior by showing what is actually happening as strings vibrate. Resulting benefits include: 0.1 cents accuracy tuning unisons, no loss of tuning quality in a noisy environment, better false beat detection and resolution, and consistent measurement, no longer dependent on placement of a mic. Reduces jitter in ETD’s and makes all ETD apps work far better and more consistently. Comparisons are made showing why there is currently no better way to accurately tune unisons and measure.
Steven Norsworthy:
Hear the difference and see why it matters.
Steven Norsworthy is a world authority of signal processing engineering. He holds advanced degrees in both engineering and music and has held university teaching positions and professional appointments in both fields. As an engineer, holds 137 patents in subjects related to signal processing, communications electronics, and data conversion, spanning both audio and radio frequency. He is the father of many ‘firsts’ in cellular communications technologies, including the world’s first single tooth Bluetooth, and the first single-chip digital cellular modem. He has authored the most cited textbook on data conversion with over 5000 citations.
As a musician, he is highly proficient in both piano, brass instruments, and conducting. He has recently invented a new electronic sensor for piano tuning and calibration, with unprecedented dynamic range and directional focus. He also invented a new concept of ‘freeze frame tuning’ for ETD’s, which accurately allows measuring tuning after a specified duration of time after the initial attack. He owns a Fazioli F308 piano that was used in competitions and professional recordings.

Steven Norsworthy
We care about the music quality
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Let the music speak for itself
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Passionate for music
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It’s all about the music.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.